Friday, July 17, 2009

Finished Practical Examss

Finally...this week.....Presentations, Assignments, Practical Exams are completed....
13 til 17 july of 2009:

Monday- Baking&Pastry Presentation, Principle of Management Presentation.

Tuesday- Western cuisine and Restaurant Operation Practical exam[services], Basic Western and Larder presentation

Wednesday- Western cuisine and Restaurant Operation Practical exam, Mise en place[Prep ingredients[Kitchen]

Thursday- Western Cuisine and Restaurant Operation Practical exam[Kitchen, Cook and serve]

Friday - hand out assignment, Kitchen and Hygiene Management, Baking and Pastry practical exam

And finally....Final exams coming soon.....27th of July - 31st of July
Well.....i have study break on next week..but it will still busy on that week....damn..

BUCH Library.

Inside library...Lol

Library's computerActing Cute? damn it xD

Baking and Pastry practical exam products

My products..simple and nice , huh?

Lighting strawberry lol ..

Creme Brulee Dark Chocolates Truffle, like FerroRoche?

Western cuisine and restaurant operations

Yee sang in the Kitchen....kaka because we cooked yee sang as a Starter .. these is left over..extra i mean...

God bless everyone!!! for final exams...
Allehlu yah
LOL == lame...

well. ciaos.

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